Ingersoll Township

Welcome to Ingersoll Township

Ingersoll Township, a general law township, was the third to be organized in Midland County. It was established October 1, 1855, as T13N R2E—the southeast corner of Midland County. The township is six miles square in size and is bordered by Midland Township to the north, Homer Township to the northwest, Mount Haley Township to the west, Joneseld and Richland Townships to the south, and Tittabawassee Township to the east

News & Notices

November General Election Canvass

November General Election Canvassing for the Early Voting Precinct(s) will be performed on Tuesday, November 5th, 2024 at the Grace A. Dow Memorial Library located at 1710 W. St. Andrews Road, Midland, MI 48640

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New Hall Manager / Custodian is Tara Brunson (989) 501-3018

WELCOME TO TARA BRUNSON We are pleased to announce that we have hired Tara Brunson as the new Manager/Custodian for the Township Hall.  Tara will take over the duties as of July 1, 2024.  She will have the same township cell phone and can be reached at 989-501-3018.  Being a cell phone, please feel free to call or text. We would like to thank the 6 other candidates who applied for the job.

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November 4, 2023

Contact Us

Mailing Address
4183 S. Smith Crossing Rd.
Freeland, MI 48623

Township Hall Address
3026 South Sasse Rd.
Midland, MI 48640
(Office is Not Open)

Phone: (989) 695-5200
Clerk Email: