Ingersoll Township has three churches:
There are five public school districts in Midland Township:
Messiah Lutheran Church operates Kid’s Creek Preschool in the Township. More information is available on the Preschool’s Website.
School district boundaries are shown on the map below. To see more details, Download the Full Map.
Residents of Ingersoll Township are entitled to use the Grace A. Dow Memorial Library, located at 1710 W. St. Andrews Road (at the corner of Eastman Ave. and W. St. Andrews Road) in the City of Midland. The library offers an online book catalog and provides other information at its website. You can also contact the library by telephone at 989-837-3430.
You and your family members can obtain library cards free of cost directly from the library. To get a library card, you should be prepared to provide a photo ID such as a driver’s license, and if your photo ID does not include your current address, you will need to provide other proof of township residency, such as a lease agreement or utility bill. When applying for a child’s library card, both the child and the parent or guardian must be present.