In general, roadway ditches are designed to drain water from the roads and are not designed to drain property. Maintenance of roadway ditches is performed by the Midland County Road Commission. On occasion, Ingersoll Township and the Midland County Road Commission will cooperate on roadway drain maintenance. Maintenance of driveway tubes is the responsibility of the property owner.
County drains are designed to drain water from property, and are maintained by the Midland County Drain Commissioner, and are funded through special assessments. For more information, contact the Midland County Drain Commissioner at (989) 832-6770, or Visit the Website.
Ingersoll Township is serviced by Midland Township Fire Department as the primary provider of Fire and First Responder provider. Most departments in the area are part of a Mutual Aid agreement that provides back up services to the primary provider.
Midland County 911 is the dispatch for all fire, accident, and emergency services in the county. Residents should call 911 to request fire, accident, and other emergency services as needed.
As Ingersoll County does not have its own fire department, we are billed for all fire and first responder calls in the township. Since we do not have a millage to cover these costs, residents are billed the exact amount charged by the Midland Township Fire Department for the run.
ALL residents of Ingersoll Township needing a burning permit should Call 1-866-922-BURN or by internet at: State Law requires a permit for any open burning when the ground is not snow covered.
Call 1-866-922-BURN
You will be asked the County you will be burning in (Midland), and a voice will tell you if you can burn or not. This serves as your permit.
How to Apply for a Burn Permit online –
Getting a burn permit for your area has never been easier. The Michigan DNR provides an interactive map to find the burn conditions in your area. Updates are made every day by 10:00 am Eastern Time. If “YES” appears in the Burning Permits issued column, you are authorized to burn today. This serves as your burn permit. You don’t need to print anything.
Being authorized by this permit is for yard rakings and brush ONLY. It does not relieve the responsible person(s) of liability for all damages resulting from the escape of the fire. You are responsible for understanding Michigan’s Open Burning Laws and Rules.
Before you start burning Ingersoll Township recommends the following: 1) Call the number to see if a burn permit can be issued for Midland County; 2) Call 911, tell them it is not an emergency and give your name, phone number and location where you will be burning so they are aware of your burning and 3) Let your neighbors know.
Residents can check on the Midland County Website for news, calendars, job opportunities and other information. The Mosquito Control Pages have maps, treatment schedules and other information specific to their program. For those of you who would like to visit them in person, their office is located at 2180 Meridian Road in Sanford and telephone number is 832-8677. They have a hotline, 832-NEWS or (832-6397) that provides nighttime fogging schedules and information on special events. You can contact them online by Clicking Here.
Complaints about ordinance violations should be submitted to the Township Supervisor at (989) 751-8397. Complaints will be investigated by the Township Ordinance Enforcement Officer, Jerry Nielsen.
Ingersoll Township and the Midland County Road Commission share responsibility for maintaining County roads in the Township. Each fall, the Township meets with the Midland County Road Commission to determine maintenance to be performed the following year. The cost of this maintenance is shared equally by the Township and by the Midland County Road Commission. More information about the Midland County Road Commission is available at their Website.
None scheduled at this time.